Tah di dinya, ku andika adegkeun eta dayeuh
laju ngaranan Bogor
sabab bogor teh hartina tunggul kawung
In that place, establish a town by you
and name Bogor
bogor because it means that the subject palm
Ari tunggul kawung
emang ge euweuh hartina
euweuh soteh ceuk nu teu ngarti

 Principal's palm
does not mean anything
especially, for those who do not understand

Ari sababna, ngaran mudu Bogor
sabab bogor mah dijieun suluh teu daek hurung
teu melepes tapi ngelun
haseupna teu mahi dipake muput

The reason must be called Bogor?
bogor because it was made of wood fuel would not turn
tapitidak outages, continues to smolder
smoke was not enough to "muput"

Tapi amun dijieun tetengger
sanggup nungkulan windu
kuat milangan mangsa

But if the house be used as a buffer
able to transcend time
capable of crossing times

Kalau tersenggol
bisa membuat koreng yang menyenggolnya
membuat koreng yang lama sembuhnya)

If touched
can make a scab that nudged
make a scab heal old

Amun katajong?
mantak bohak nu najongna
moal geuwat waras tah cokorna

If you kicked?
could injure a kick
feet long it will heal

Tapi, amun dijieun kekesed?
sing nyaraho
isukan jaga pageto
bakal harudang pating kodongkang
nu ngawarah si calutak

But, if you made a doormat?
Everything should know
tomorrow or the day after
would rise to roam
advised that is not polite

Tah kitu!
ngaranan ku andika eta dayeuh
Dayeuh Bogor!

named by you that the city
Bogor City

[Rhyme Pa Cilong, "Ngadegna Dayeuh Pajajaran"] 

Rhyme on the basis of the most powerful on why the name of the town was called "Bogor". As is known, to date there are four opinions about the origin of the name of Bogor:
  1. Derived from one of Sundanese people said to "Buitenzorg" is the official name of Bogor in the Dutch colonial period.
  2. Derived from "Baghar or baqar" meaning cow because in the Botanical Garden there is a statue of a cow.
  3. Derived from the word "Bokor" which is a kind of metal basket for no apparent reason.
  4.  The original name of Bogor, which means "stump kawung" (palm or palm). 
Opinion that the Bogor derived from "Buitenzorg" is alleged intellect who thinks in such a rigid tongue Sundanese people by taking the metaphor a slipping "Batavia" to "Batawi". However, when we consider how the Sundanese say "sikenhes" for "Ziekenhuis" (hospital) or "bes" for "Buis" (pipe) or "cream" to "boreg" (guarantee), then the language is based on symptoms, should Sundanese people pronounce "Buitenzorg" to "betensoreh". So the alleged "Buitenzorg" became too Bogor guessed at.
Second opinion ("Baghar or baqar") based on the reality of Arabic influence in the area around Pekojan. Sundanese people familiar with the Arabic language through the religion of Islam, but has never been any sound BA from Arabic into BO. In addition, presumably contain weaknesses in terms of time sequence. The word existed before the Bogor Botanical Gardens are made, while the statue of the cow it came from an ancient pool Kotabaru who moved to the Botanic Gardens by Dr. Frideriech in the mid-19th century.
The third opinion (from the word "bowl") also contains weakness because bowl itself is a native Sundanese word authenticity is guaranteed. Even so, changes the sound of "K" to "G" without causing changes in meaning can be found on the word "kumasep" and "angkeuhan" which is often pronounced to be "gumasep" (feeling saucy / noodles) and "anggeuhan" (where the lean or shelter) . So it could have originated from Bokor Bogor. However, no one usually defines "Bogor" equal to "bowl". 

The fourth opinion we find in verse Bogor already mentioned at the beginning of writing. In the play argued that the word "bogor" means "stump kawung". The same situation can be found on the place name "Tunggilis" located on the edge of the road between Cullinan with Jonggol. The word "tunggilis" means the stump or principal nut which figuratively means alone or live alone.

In West Java, Bogor named many places, as can be found in Sumedang and Garut. Similarly, in Central Java, as noted by Prof.. Veth in Java books. Thus it is rather difficult to accept the theory of "Buitenzorg", "Baghar" and "bowl".
Bogor means other than palm stump, also means the usual meats kawung tree used as sago (in Bekasi area). In the Java language "Bogor" means palm tree and the verb "dibogor" means intercepted. In Old Javanese, "pabogoran" means the palm garden. In general Sundanese, according Coolsma, "Bogor" means "droogetapte kawoeng" (palm tree that has bugged out) or "en bladerlooze taklooze boom '(tree no leaves and no branching). So together with the sense of the word "pugur" or "pogor".
However, in Sundanese "muguran" with "mogoran" have different meanings. The first charged to the tree leaves begin to fall due to aging, which means staying at home both in the sense that women are less moral. Opinion rumors that Bogor means "pamogoran" could be considered too fun. 

Bogor name can be found in a document dated 7 April 1752. In the document listed the name Ngabei Raksacandra as "hoofd van de negorij Bogor" (village head Bogor). In that year the capital was still located in Bogor Regency New Land. Two years later, the Regents Demat Wiranata apply to the Governor Jacob Mossel be allowed to establish residence in Sukahati near "Buitenzorg". Later, because in front of the house there is a Regent of Bogor is a large pond (pond), hence the name "Sukahati" changed to "Pond".
In the year 1752, in Bogor has been no stranger, except the Netherlands. Own new Botanical Garden was founded in 1817 so that the theory of "cow statue" can not be accepted as the origin of the name of Bogor. The village lies the beginning of the Bogor Botanical Gardens in the. There are cactus plants on the site now. The established market in the village by the inhabitants called Bogor Market. So, obviously, the board called "New Market Bogor" that there is now actually a little disturbing this historical series.

The origin and meaning of the name Pakuan
Almost the general population have a belief that the City Bogor Bogor has locative relationship with the City Pakuan, Pajajaran capital. The origin and meaning Pakuan contained in various sources. Below are the search results from sources such seumber in chronological order:
  1. Carita Waruga Teachers (the 1750s). In this ancient manuscript berhasa Sunda Pakuan Pajajaran explained that the name is based on the site that there are many trees Pakujajar.
  2. K.F. Holle (1869). In a paper entitled De Batoe Toelis te Buitenzorg (Bogor Batutulis), Holle said that in villages near the city of Bogor are named Cipaku, along the river which has the same name. There are many trees found nails. So according to Holle, Pakuan name had something to do with the presence Cipaku and tree spikes. Pajajaran mean tree ferns that lined nails ("op bomen Rijen staande pakoe").
  3. G.P. Rouffaer (1919) in Encyclopedie van Niederlandsch Indie Stibbe edition in 1919. Pakuan contains the definition of "spikes", but must be interpreted "spikes universe" (spijker der wereld) which symbolizes the king personally like the title Pakubuwono and Paku Alam. "Pakuan" according Fouffaer equivalent of "Maharaja". The word "Pajajaran" means "equal standing" or "counterpoise" (evenknie). Which meant Rouffaer is standing parallel or balanced by the Majapahit. Although not summarize the meaning Pakuan Rouffaer Pajajaran, but from his description it can be concluded that in his opinion Pakuan Pajajaran means "Maharaja who stand parallel or balanced by (Maharaja) of Majapahit". He agreed with Hoesein Djajaningrat (1913) that Pakuan Pajajaran founded in 1433.
  4. R. Ng. Poerbatjaraka (1921). In the writings of De-Toelis Batoe bij Buitenzorg (Bogor near Batutulis) he explains that the word "Pakuan" would have to come from the ancient Javanese language "pakwwan" who then spelled "pakwan" (a "w", is written on the inscription Batutulis). In the tongue of the Sundanese word would be pronounced "ferns". The word "pakwan" means a tent or palace. So, Pakuan Pajajaran, according Poerbatjaraka, means "that lined the palace" (aanrijen staande Hoven).
  5. H. Ten Dam (1957). As an Agricultural Engineer, Ten Dam wanted to examine the socio-economic life of farmers in West Java with an original approach in terms of historical development. In his writings, Verkenningen Rondom Padjadjaran (Introductory around Pajajaran), meaning "Pakuan" nothing to do with "phallus" (milestones) are stuck on a rock next to the inscription Batutulis as a sign of power. He warned that in the Carita Parahyangan touted figures and Sang Sang Haluwesi Susuktunggal it thinks still has a sense of "spikes".
He argues that the "ferns" is not a name, but a common noun meaning the capital (hoffstad) which must be distinguished from the palace. The word "Pajajaran" an overhaul based on topography. He referred to reports Captain Wikler (1690) who reported that he crossed the palace Pakuan in Pajajaran which lies between the River Great River Tanggerang (also called Ciliwung and Cisadane). Ten Dam drew the conclusion that the name "Pajajaran" arises because for a few kilometers Ciliwung and Cisadane flowing parallel. Thus, in the sense Pakuan Pajajaran Ten Dam is Pakuan in Pajajaran or "Dayeuh Pajajaran".  
Thus the interpretation of the name Pakuan Pajajaran according to five sources. After all, the official name ever used in history there are three sources, namely:
1. Pakuan Pajajaran (complete)
2. Pakuan (without Pajajaran).
3. Pajajaran (without Pakuan).
All three titles can be found in the inscription Batutulis (numbers 1 & 2), while the number 3 can be found on the inscription Kabantenan in Bekasi.