Bogor Palace
Bogor palace was built in 1745 with its area 28 Ha by the general governor of indische named Baron Gustaf Williem Van Imhof. In its garden paces a hundred of free deer which are put bogor palace looks natural. This palaces is located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 1. Telp 0251 321001.

Botanical Garden
Botanical garden was built in 1817 with its area 87 Ha by its initiator Prof. Dr. Reinwadt, a botanical professor from Germany. Botanical garden's collection consist of tropical flora more than 20.000 varieties and 6000 species. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 13. Telp 0251 311362. 

Etnobotanical Museum
Etnobotanical museum was built in 1982. The collection is about 2000 etnobotanical artifact and diorama of plant utilization in serving basic necessity. This museum located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 24. Telp 0251 322035.

Zoologicum Bogoriensis Museum
Zoologicum Bogoriensis museum was build in 1984. This place have collection of thousand mamalias, ants, reptiles, birds, fishes, and mollisca's. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 9. Telp 0251 322226.

Bogor Soil Museum
Bogor Soil Museum was built in 29 September 1988. This museum has a function to keep so many variety of indonesian soils served in macromonolite. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 98. Telp 0251 323012.

Kapten Muslihat Plaza
Kapten Muslihat plaza is known as hat garden because the buildings shaped like a hat. This place is public recreation facilitated with kids playground, gift shop and restaurant. There is Tourist information center in this area.  Located on Jl. Kapt. Muslihat No. 51. Telp 0251 345092.

Situ Gede
The site of situ gede is s nature and countryside area. The lake is widely spread out with its forestry background and water transport facility to surround the lake. Located at situ gede village west bogor, near tropical forestry research.

Museum of Homeland Defense
Built ini 1996 by yayasan perjuangan tanah air. Inside, it has 14 dioramas tells about the journey of the troops of PETA in struggling of Indonesia independences. This museum is located on Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 35. Tlp. 0251 332768.

Museums Struggle
Perjuangan Museum built in 1957 as a place to keep a lot of weapons and guns which were booty guns from Japanese and British troops but also use by the Indonesian patriots. This museum facilitated with dioramas. Located on Jl. Merdeka No. 56. Tlp. 0251 326377.

Ancient Stone
Ancient stone inscription of batutulis was built in the era of Surawisesa (1521 - 1535) one of the son of prabu siliwangi, king of Pajajaran. inside, there are 15 terasit rocks incungkup, 2 rocks in veranda and 6 rocks in yard. Located on Jl. Batutulis No. 54.

Rancamaya Golf & Country Club

The area of rancamaya provides you a beautiful landscape, fresh air and pollution free and also completed with golf facilities. Rancamaya golf & country club located on rancamaya utama street ciawi Bogor, and Bogor golf club at Dr. Semeru street Bogor.

Agro Tourism
Bogor city has agricultural tourism with various commodities such as beautiful fish at Rancamaya, Guava Juice at Sukaresmi, Alloevera Juice at  Kutalampa, Organic rice at Mulyaharja and mix of fruit at Cimahpar.