Mount Salak indeed save a lot of beauty. Many others called him the full mystical mountain. However, Mount Salak Bogor is an icon of civic pride. Mountain with dense forest vegetation has a large number of springs, so do not be surprised if it found a lot of the waterfall (the waterfall) on the slope. There is another unique of Mount Salak. Located at the top of the crater is not like most other mountains, but there in the middle of the mountain. This crater known as Crater Queen. 

As a resident of Bogor, it is not complete without a visit to the crater. Not long ago (15/03/14), the intention to visit the crater of the Queen comes true. One of the Bogor kompasianer Akang Sepuh, who are used to here, offered to climb to the crater. I then took Ria Astuti and 2 other friends (Beautiful and Mathias) to join, be the five of us trekking to the crater queen. 

We started the trip as early as possible. Around 8 o'clock we had arrived through a checkpoint in front of the Queen to the crater at Mount Bunder (still belonged to the Mist Mountain National Park-Salak). There are 2 official climbing routes that can be passed is through Cidahu (Sukabumi) and that we've been through this will the Sand reungit (Mount Bunder). Before the climb, park officials announced that the climb to the crater of the Queen must be accompanied by experienced guides. We also agreed, to avoid things like stray unwanted, toxic gas inhalation and others. After all the roads to the mountain should not be underestimated even though the track is fairly easy. 

To go to the crater via the sand reungit queen, we must trekking as far as 3.6 km. That distance can be taken about 2 hours more. Not too difficult but a scar, because the road is fairly flat. Moreover Ratu crater at an altitude of only 800-900 m above sea level, not too high. It seems perfect for a relaxing sport. 

The morning was cloudy until not hot at all. Moreover, on either side there are many plants that are sometimes forced us to slightly down while passing by. The guide goes rather quickly in front of our group. With a machete in his hand, he occasionally cut bush / tree branches that block our path. Path we passed deserted once, sometimes narrowed, perhaps somewhat rarely passed people. We just ran a few times with other climbers from the opposite direction. 

Along the way, we have to pass the path, in between a rock and muddy ground. Not infrequently, to cross the river or waterway. Hmm..jalur to crater the queen is indeed wet track, just suegeer deh. The sound of the river gurgling sound is almost always accompany footsteps. Since the number of waterways that must be passed, it is not advisable to here in the rainy season, because it was feared could be swept away. Often the path that we've been through branching, without a direction at all. And perhaps this is the cause of many people astray here.