Doclang, the unique name of the food, one of the specialties of Bogor. When you visit Bogor try doclang in front of the Light Shop Red Bridge or when happened to be visiting Darmaga Campus, in front of the door 2 Darmaga Campus, on the edge of the highway Bogor - Leuwiliang, please visit yoke doclang Mr. Acim. 

The first meal is usually eaten for breakfast in the morning, before the children go to school or parents to go to their place of employment. 1960s in the villages are still many sellers doclang in houses, which only sells from about 5:30 until 7:30. There are also vendors using mobile doclang pole. I wonder since when doclang in the villages began to disappear, perhaps tersaing instant food as breakfast menu.

Doclang the food like? When you do not know exactly, it can be said to resemble food vegetable rice cake. Doclang is a diet consisting of a mixture of pesor, sliced ​​fried tofu, fried slices of boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, liquid peanut sauce, soy sauce and crackers or chips Tangkil. 

Among the ingredients doclang only pesor who may not have known a lot of people. Material for other already familiar doclang the fried tofu, fried boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, liquid peanut sauce, soy sauce, crackers and chips Tangkil. Some sellers doclang still use ketchup fanatic Zebra stamp made ​​in Bogor, although of course can use soy sauce or soy sauce other brands.

Pesor ?

Pesor it's sort of a diamond but wrapped in patat leaves, rectangular shape about the size of two pieces blackberry bold merged into one. 

How do I make it? Acim pa (62 years), which hung in front of the door 2 Darmaga Campus, tells outline how to create pesor, as follows: The main raw material is white rice, washed and drained, then wrapped in patat leaves, then boiled for four hours. 

Small traders like pa Acim not use a gas stove to boil pesor. He uses simple hawu or traditional furnace, with coconut fuel. Pa Acim also tell when a kerosene stove it took eight hours, whereas when using a gas stove it took three hours and spent two tubes 'green'. The use of coconut shells as fuel, in addition to economical byproducts of coconut shell charcoal can be sold as a byproduct.

Pesor patat wrapper leaf, pa Acim obtained by finding himself on the edge of the forest at the foot of Mount Salak, in the village Karacak, Leuwiliang. This plant grows wild in the foot hills of Mount Salak. The use of leaves as wrappers pesor patat said to be a habit and to maintain distinctiveness doclang pesor as the main ingredient, because it can actually also be used banana leaves for wrapping pesor, especially banana leaves and banana leaves kepok stone. 

Cheap and filling 

Doclang Pa Acim sold for Rp 5,000 / plate and I noticed on doclang pa Acim no potatoes and boiled eggs. Unlike the Red Bridge equipped doclang sliced ​​potatoes and hard-boiled eggs, but Harganyapun reach USD 7500 / plate, if you do not use Sundanese speaking with the seller, may be subject to higher rates. Genesis is so common in West Java, perhaps as a form of appreciation traders on the language. 

Who knew there was a walk in the city of Bogor or a time 'lost' to Darmaga Campus, try doclang, food is cheap, tasty and filling.