Bogor is a city that is located very close to Jakarta. With a distance of only about 50 KM from Jakarta, Bogor is often a weekend excursion options Jakarta residents and surrounding areas. What are the tourist attractions in Bogor which must be visited? Here's his review.

1. Kebun Raya Bogor

Bogor Botanical Gardens is a botanical garden with an area of ​​over 85 acres and has a collection of more than 15,000 plant plants. Bogor Botanical Gardens in Bogor is a tourist spot that is best suited for a picnic, so it is not surprising that in the Garden weekend full of visitors. The price of admission is the Bogor Botanical 14,000 Rupiah or $ 1.3 per person.

2. The Jungle Water Park

The Jungle Water Park is located in the middle of a housing called Bogor Nirwana Residence. The Jungle Water Park is a complete tourist rides and water fun, especially if you are a family that has small children. In addition to water rides, The Jungle Water Park also has facilities 4D cinema, an aviary, and a giant aquarium. Ticket prices The Jungle Water Park is 80,000 rupiah, or $ 8.5 per person.

3. Danau Situ Gede

Situ Gede lake is a lake with an area of ​​approximately 6 acres and surrounded by forest. Lake Situ Gede is a daily recreation for residents of Bogor are fond of fishing, take a boat to the middle of the lake, and a walk in the lush forest. Moreover, in Situ Gede forest lake there are also many deer so that you can play with them.

4. Marcopolo Water Adventure

Marcopolo Water Adventure is located in a residential Cimanggu Hill City, precisely on Jalan KH. Iskandar Salah 1, Bogor. Marcopolo Water Adventure is a tourist park with water games water games facilities boom, hot tubs, children's pool, baby pool, adult pool, lazy river, and others. In addition you can also play flying fox, water bicycle, water balloons, fishing, etc. at this location. The price of admission Marcopolo Water Adventure is 55,000 rupiah, or $ 6 per person.

5. Taman Wisata Mekarsari

Taman Wisata Mekarsari is one of the tourist attractions in Bogor most famous, has even become one of the iconic city of Bogor. Mekarsari is the right choice for people in Jakarta and surrounding areas to remove saturation daily work. Was closed for several months for renovation purposes, Mekarsari now reopened to the public offering tours fruit garden in an area of ​​264 acres with a variety of recreational facilities enjoyable for you and your family. In Mekarsari also a kingdom of water rides, a lazy river water tourism in Asia.

6. Taman Safari Cisarua

Cisarua Safari Park is one of the tourist attractions in Bogor is the most crowded in the visit at the weekend. Cisarua Safari Park located in the tourist area of ​​Peak offers the experience of seeing and interacting with various types of animals living in their natural habitat. In addition to offering the experience of interacting with the animals during the day, Cisarua Safari Park also has a night safari program so that you can see the activity of animals at night. If you want to visit Cisarua Safari Park on the weekend, keep in mind that on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays peak district enforces one-way system, usually a one-way ride on the hours of 9 am to 11:30 noon, and one way down at 3 pm until 6 pm. The price of admission Cisarua Safari Park is 140,000 rupiah, or $ 16 per person. 

7. Kampung Budaya Sindangbarang

Culture Sindangbarang village located about 5 KM from Bogor, precisely in the Village of Sand Eurih, District Castle. Sindangbarang Cultural village is the oldest village in Bogor believed to have existed since the days of the Kingdom of Sunda in the 7th century Sindangbarang In the village you can enjoy the culture of the kingdom Pajajaran, enjoy and learn Sundanese art, enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the village, and others.

8. Air Panas Tirta Sanita Ciseeng

Hot Water Tirta Sanita Ciseeng is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Bogor Bogor residents and surrounding areas. Activities that can be done in Bogor Ciseeng Tirta Sanita is a hot bath sulfur which is useful not only to unwind, but also good for health. In addition to a hot bath, Tirta Sanita Ciseeng also has a game that can be played fasiltias children and adults. The price of admission Ciseeng Hot Tirta Sanita is 10,000 rupiah or $ 1 per person, be careful sometimes there are some people trying to sell tickets at a price of 50,000 unofficial Rupiah or more.

9. Museum Zoologi Bogor

As the name implies, Bogor Zoological Museum in Bogor is a museum that has a collection of animals. This does not mean the animal collection of the Zoological Museum of Bogor like Safari Park Cisarua, but rather a collection of preserved animals and animal fossils. Bogor Zoological Museum located in the Bogor Botanical Gardens is a great educational tours because it has tens of thousands different collections.

10. Warso Farm

Warso Farm or often called the Garden and Dragon Fruit Durian Warso is a tourist spot located in Bogor Cihideung village, about 10 KM from the city center of Bogor. Warso Farm is very easy to find because there is a replica of the front gate durian and dragon fruit is very large. Being on top of a piece of land measuring approximately 8 acres, Warso Farm is a must-visit tourist plantation in Bogor.

11. Air Panas Ciparay

Located in the village of Ciparay, Hot Ciparay is a hot bath unspoiled. At the time of coming into the area Hot Ciparay, you must sektiar 400 down stairs, but no need to worry because the scenery is very beautiful in the way so it will not be tiring. The price of admission is Hot Ciparay 4,000 rupiah, or $ 0.5 per person.