Bogor-Mount Salak, Bogor, known to be quite haunted. Almost every year a mountain that limits the area of ​​Bogor and Sukabumi it takes casualties, especially among climbers. In fact, a number of aircraft had been buried in a mountain that has an altitude of 2,211 m above sea level. 

Sukhoi Superjet 100 is only one of several aircraft that crashed in the area of ​​Mount Salak. A number of aircraft were buried in the area of ​​the MCC 098.-engined aircraft trike aircraft fatalities swallow this one falls on the Lido, Bogor, October 10, 2002, then on October 29, 2003, a Sikorsky S-58T helicopter Twinpac Air Force crashed in the district of Kemang, Bogor Regency. Seven killed in the incident: Then on 15 April 2004, paragliding Red Baron plane belonging GT 500 Aero Sport Lido fall in Wates Jaya village, Cijeruk subdistrict, Bogor regency. Two people were killed in the incident. 

On June 20, 2004, a Cessna 185 Skywagon fall in Lake Lido, Cijeruk, Bogor, killing 5 people. Then in June 2008, Casa 212 aircraft the Air Force crashed on Mount Salak at an altitude of 4,200 feet above sea level. The accident caused 18 people dead. Next, on 30 April 2009, Donner trainer aircraft belonging to the waterfall Flight Training Centre crashed in the village of Cibunar, Tenjo Village, District Tenjo, Bogor regency, killing 3 people. 

Mount Salak is a volcano that has two peaks, the peak Salak I and II. Location of astronomical peak of this mountain is at 6 ° 43 'latitude and 106 ° 44' longitude. High peak I Salak Salak II 2,211 m and 2,180 m above sea level. There is another one called Peak Sumbul peak with an altitude of 1,926 m above sea level. 

Salak mountain can be climbed from multiple pathways. The most crowded path used is via Jackfruit waterfall, Castle, Bogor is located on the north side of the mountain. Through this path, people will come to the top of the Salak II. 

Salak I usually climb the peak from the east, which is close Cimelati Cicurug, Sukabumi. Salak I can also be reached from Salak II of Sukamantri, Ciapus, Castle, Bogor. Another pathway is the 'way back' through Cidahu, Sukabumi, or from the crater of Mount Bunder queen. 

Mount Salak although classified as a low mountain, but has its own unique characteristics of both the forest and the terrain. The origin of the history of the naming of Mount Salak still confusing because the records were found in a number of inscriptions and writings in ancient Sundanese not clearly mention since when the mountain began there. 

Humanist and historian Bogor, Eman Sulaiman revealed, that ancient people more familiar with the title of Mount Salak Mountain Buled (round, red) because the peak shape resembles a circle. That said, naming Salak came from the discovery of large fruits. "That's just a myth, so it can not be verified until now," he told Radar Bogor (Group JPNN), yesterday. 

He said, Mount Salak has erupted twice. The first in 1669 and second in 1824 The first eruption was leveling villages or regions that are underneath. According to him, at the foot of Mount Salak once stood the first Hindu kingdom in West Java with the name Salakanagara the 4th century AD and 5. 

"Most likely, naming Salak derived from this kingdom as seen from consonant vowel there are similarities," said the man who had played the soap opera. 

Eman said Salakanagara led by a king with the title of King Dewawarman I-VIII. It is not clear the origin of the name and the original name of the king who controlled the Sunda peninsula, but it turns out that they originated from South India. 

Disclosure of empire began with the invention of writing Salakanagara King Cirebon Wangsakerta ruling in 1617, which was found in the 19th century AD. From this and known, if the first Hindu kingdom in West Java instead of Tarumanagara, but Salakanagara. 
"There are approximately 20 books scattered and collected by researchers from the Netherlands and Indonesia. Wangsakerta posts had mentioned about Salakanagara led by King Dewawarman from South India, "he explained. 

That said, King Dewawarman have many descendants. Among them was once a great king in Java such as the Tarumanagara and Purnawarman reigning king of Kutai Kartanagara Mulawarman. "But, the eruption of Mount Salak in 1669 allegedly participated bury historic relics of royal Salakanagara," said Eman. 

Related mysteries contained in the Mount Salak, Eman pleaded no weird stuff in there though dominated by forest region. "I have not found it. Maybe it is a myth that is spread from mouth to mouth, "for short. 

Only, there are many places where meditated petilasan or the king and his followers. Petilasan holy scattered at various points. As the king's petilasan Padjadjaran, King Sri Baduga Maharaja or King Siliwangi at the foot of Mount Salak in Bogor with a total reach of more than 91 locations. "It may be hundreds of them as a hermit in the Hindu purify Mount Salak," he said. 

There is also an ancient tomb that were hundreds of years the number reached more than 40 tombs. The tomb belonged to Hindu leader who died and was buried in Mount Salak. Thus, many consider if you want to enter the area of Mount Salak, must maintain the behavior and manners. 

Another mystery that surrounds Mount Salak is unheard of there cave story that contains dozens of golden statues in various sizes. But, until now there has never been empirical evidence found in research. 

"That's the old man said. So no wonder, many people often come to it with different purposes. Anyone want to climb, there are also want to ask for wealth by conspiring with the devil, "he concluded.