Culture Viilage Sindangbarang located in the village of Sand Castle District Eurih Bogor regency, West Java. Located just 5 miles Bogor. It is the oldest village for the area of town and district of Bogor, Bogor Poem by source texts and the Chronicle of Padjadjaran. If you think the estimated Sindangbarang rhymes Bogor has been around since the days of the Kingdom of Sunda approximately XII century. This is where there is a kingdom Bottoms formerly named Sindangbarang with Kutabarang capital. Here, according to folklore training of the royal knights. Here also the Bogor Sundanese culture began and lasted until now in the form of Ceremony Seren Taun.
In the village there are 8 kinds of cultural Sindangbarang Sundanese arts that have been revitalized and preserved by the inhabitants. Here there are also archaeological sites such as the kingdom of Padjadjaran terraced hills. In sindangbarang annually hosted a traditional ceremony that is Seren Taun ceremony public expression of gratitude to God Almighty for his harvest and crops obtained in this year and hope next year's harvest will be even better.
To preserve the traditional arts in the village culture, the dance and gamelan organized training for young people free of charge by Sindangbarang Cultural Village, young boys who had been proficient in their respective fields of art it will be involved in staging a welcome guest which will increase revenue for their own.
To preserve archaeological sites, cultural villages in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia (UI FIB) conducts research, documentation and conducts seminars on heritage sites such Padjadjaran kingdom. Folklore of its own Sindangbarang been attempted to be recorded by friends of FIB UI.
Currently, traditional houses and cultural traditions in the village has been reconstructed Sindangbarang Culture and revitalized with the guidance and instructions of Mr. Anis Djatisunda a Sindangbarang Elders and Cultural West Java. Revitalization of cultural and traditional houses are indeed necessary in order not to lose his identity Sundanese people.
Staying with kokolot is one of the unique cultural village Sindangbarang. Because the native culture of the guests will feel the atmosphere of everyday village life. Where guests will stay with kokolot and artists who actually live in the village culture. Guests will find the atmosphere of the mothers in the gazebo lisung menumbug rice, cook with firewood and Hawu (Sundanese traditional stoves), see farmers planting, learn traditional arts etc.
Event held at the Cultural Tourism Culture Village Sindangbarang is purely done entirely by the kokolot Cultural Village in order to find the cost of maintenance of custom homes built by the Government of West Java province and regency of Bogor and not for commercial purposes. The funds collected from the tourist traffic is used for :
- Operational Cultural Village, including the cost of replacing the board, electric, art training, Repair of buildings, archaeological sites, etc. Collect
- Revitalization of Sundanese traditional arts, including art Gondang, Parebut Se'eng, Pencak drums, Art Reog, Angklung gubrag, rampak drum, Calung, Jaipong.
- For Fighting Tradition Art Exhibition Cork Parebut Se'eng (Adu grabs strength se'eng "rice cooker", Competition Tutunggulan, Culture Seminar Ceremony and Activities Seren Taun.
With a visit to the Cultural Village Sindangbarang means you have helped extend the life of the buildings and preserve our traditional Sundanese traditional arts.
.:: Value History
Sindangbarang, the name has been known and recorded in the chronicle ferns / Padjadjaran as one of the important areas and Pajajaran Sunda kingdom. This is due in sindangbarang are one of the royal palace residence one of prabu Siliwangi wife named Dewi Kentring Manik Mayang Sunda. While the time was the ruler sindangbarang Surabima Panjiwirajaya or Amok Murugul. Even the Son of King Siliwangi and beads Kentring Virgin Sunda named Teacher Gantangan born and raised in Sindangbarang.
Until now there are ancient relics in the form of Sri bagenda Sindangbarang garden, the garden in the form of a pool with a length of 15 x 45 meters, and 33 pieces punden point.
Kampung Sindangbarang is the oldest village in Bogor, has existed since the time of the Sunda kingdom. Until Currently arts and cultural traditions still preserved there. There is archaeological relic sites Kingdom of Sunda you can see when Trekking through the rice fields and river in Sindangbarang which certainly will not be found elsewhere. Equipped with traditional houses and barns Bogor Sundanese rice that line will add to the rural atmosphere of ancient time immemorial. Cultural tourism in Sindangbarang an exotic holiday that will not be found elsewhere.